- Publications
- Books
- Journals
- Journal of Social Inclusion Studies
- Dalit Asmita
- Research Papers
- Working Papers
- Papers Published
IIDS publishes books ondifferent subjects. Here are the list of books published.

Dr Ambedkar and Democracy
Orient Blackswan - 2018

Caste, Discrimination and Exclusion in Modern India
SAGE Publication - 2015

Bridging the Social Gap Perspectives on Dalit Empowerment
SAGE Publication - 2014

Revisiting 1956 B.R. Ambedkar and States Reorganisation
Orient Blackswan - 2019

Dalit Art and Visual Imagery
Oxford University Press - 2012

Blocked by Caste: Economic Discrimination in Modern India
Oxford University Press - 2009

Dalits in India: Search for a Common Destiny
SAGE Publication - 2008

Social Justice Philanthropy: Approaches and Strategies of Funding Organizations
Rawat Publications - 2009

B.R. Ambedkar: Perspectives on Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policies
Oxford University Press - 2009

In Search of Inclusive Policy: Addressing Graded Inequality
Rawat Publications - 2008

Ambedkar in Retrospect: Essays on Economics, Politics & Society
Rawat Publications - 2007

Reservation and Private Sector: Quest for Equal Opportunity and Growth
Rawat Publications - 2005

Dalit Leadership in Panchayats: Compartative Study
Rawat Publications - 2006

Caste Race and Discrimination: Discourse in the International Context
Rawat Publications - 2004

भारत में दलित - सामान्य लक्ष्य की खोज
SAGE Publication - 2017

Bhartiya Dalit Sahitya Ka Vidrohi Swar
Rawat Publications - 2008

समय की आदमखोर धुन
- 2014

नए क्षितिजों की ओर
- 2014

The Silent Volcano
- 2013